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Foreign Ministers agree to sustain NATO-led mission in Afghanistan beyond 2016

2016. május 21. 17:48

Foreign Ministers from the nations participating in Resolute Support agreed on 20 May 2016 to sustain the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan beyond 2016 in a sign of strong commitment to the stability of the country.


NATO Foreign Ministers sign Accession Protocol with Montenegro

2016. május 20. 9:00

On 19th May NATO Foreign Ministers signed the Accession Protocol for Montenegro, marking a historic step in Montenegro’s path to the Alliance. Speaking at a joint press conference with Montenegrin Prime Minister Djukanovic, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg underlined that today’s decision is “a clear sign that NATO’s door remains open for partners that share and promote our values.”


NATO boosts its defence and deterrence posture

2016. február 10. 18:40

NATO Defence Ministers took steps to strengthen the Alliance defence and deterrence posture on Wednesday.


NATO Defence Ministers to take key decisions to strengthen deterrence and defence

2016. február 10. 15:00

NATO Defence Ministers are meeting in Brussels on Wednesday (10 February 2016) to begin two days of talks on the Alliance’s continued adaptation in the face of growing security challenges. Today, Ministers are expected to agree on an enhanced forward presence in the eastern part of the Alliance. Discussions on NATO’s resilience and response to hybrid challenges, including cyber threats, will also be on the agenda, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told the media.


Secretary General previews NATO Defence Ministers meeting

2016. február 10. 9:00

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg briefed media on Tuesday (9 February 2016) on the topics of this week’s Defence Ministers meeting.


A dangerous world reminds people why NATO is still important

2016. január 3. 11:13

A dangerous world reminds people why NATO is still important.


End-of-year message to the troops

2015. december 31. 10:03

I have been really privileged this year to meet many NATO soldiers, men and women in uniform, around the world.


NATO Secretary General marks opening of six new headquarters in Eastern Allies

2015. szeptember 6. 7:06

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg attended the inauguration of a NATO Force Integration Unit (NFIU) in Vilnius, Lithuania on Thursday (3 September 2015), calling the opening “a big step forward towards greater solidarity, greater strength, and greater readiness.” The Lithuanian NFIU is one of six small new headquarters activated this month in Lithuania, as well as in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Romania.


NATO Secretary General praises Luxembourg’s role in strengthening shared security

2015. szeptember 5. 7:00

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg thanked Prime Minister Xavier Bettel for Luxembourg’s political, military, and financial contributions to the Alliance in a visit to the Grand Duchy on 2 September 2015. In a joint press conference with Prime Minister Bettel, Mr. Stoltenberg thanked Luxembourg for being a reliable Ally, and welcomed the country’s role in strengthening the Alliance’s shared security.


NATO Secretary General Statement on Defence Capacity Building Package for Iraq

2015. augusztus 1. 7:00

NATO Allies have just agreed on a defence capacity building package for Iraq. It will help strengthen the country’s security and defence sector by providing support in areas where NATO is best-placed to add value. This decision, taken today by the North Atlantic Council, underscores NATO’s commitment to deepening our partnership with Iraq.