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NATO pays tribute to ISAF mission, as new chapter opens in relations with Afghanistan

2014. december 27. 9:17

The North Atlantic Council met for the last time in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) format on 17 December.


NATO Secretary General briefed on operations in first visit to top Allied military command

2014. október 29. 9:00

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was briefed on operations and activities by the Alliance’s top military commander, General Philip Breedlove, during his first visit to NATO’s Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in Mons, Belgium on 24 October 2014.


Anders Fogh Rasmussen says good-bye to North Atlantic Council and NATO staff

2014. szeptember 27. 6:20

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who will officially step down as the Alliance’s 12th Secretary General at the end of this month, said good-bye to the members of the North Atlantic Council and NATO staff on Friday (26 September 2014), together with his wife Anne-Mette and his daughter Christina.


NATO leaders take decisions to ensure robust Alliance

2014. szeptember 5. 16:50

The Alliance’s 28 leaders at their Wales Summit on Friday (5 September 2014) agreed on a Readiness Action Plan to strengthen NATO’s collective defence and to ensure the Alliance is ready to deal with any challenge. “This is a demonstration of our solidarity and resolve,” said NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.


NATO reaffirms continued support to Afghanistan

2014. szeptember 5. 7:00

NATO Leaders at the Wales Summit reaffirmed on Thursday (4 September 2014) their commitment to supporting Afghanistan and called on the two presidential candidates to work together and to conclude the necessary security agreements as soon as possible, as they have said they will. The ISAF Heads of State and Government also asked the two candidates to “swiftly deliver a peaceful outcome of this election, acceptable to the Afghan people,” the NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen said.


Wales Summit will make NATO fitter to deal with any challenge

2014. szeptember 4. 16:05

NATO leaders will take important steps at their two-day Summit in Wales to counter a dramatically changed security environment, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Thursday (4 September 2014). The Secretary General said the meeting “will be one of the most important” in NATO’s history adding it was “a crucial Summit at a crucial time.”


NATO Secretary General statement after the extraordinary meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission

2014. augusztus 29. 14:20

We have just held an extraordinary meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission, following the serious escalation of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine. The meeting was held at Ukraine’s request.


NATO ships arrive in Canada for task group exercises

2014. augusztus 4. 9:00

Three ships from the Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) arrived in the port of Halifax, Canada for a scheduled port visit ahead of exercises with US and Canadian navies on Thursday (31 July 2014).


Statement by the Secretary General on the INF Treaty

2014. augusztus 1. 9:00

The United States has briefed the North Atlantic Council on its determination that the Russian Federation is in violation of its obligations under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty not to possess, produce, or flight-test a ground-launched cruise missile with a range capability of 500 to 5,500 kilometers, or to possess or produce launchers of such missiles.


NATO marks fifteen years of providing security in Kosovo

2014. június 16. 9:00

Fifteen years ago this week, a NATO-led force (called Kosovo Force or KFOR) was deployed to Kosovo to contribute to maintaining a safe and secure environment, under a mandate provided by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. KFOR’s initial functions were to establish a secure environment and ensure public safety and order, demilitarise the Kosovo Liberation Army, support the international humanitarian effort, and support the international civil presence.