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NATO Secretary General welcomes United Kingdom offer to host 2014 Summit

2013. szeptember 28. 6:01

I warmly welcome the offer by the government of the United Kingdom to host the 2014 NATO Summit, which has been welcomed and accepted by Allies.


‘Smart Defence’ keeping NATO fit for the future

2013. augusztus 22. 10:08

NATO Allies have successfully completed the first of 29 ongoing multinational Smart Defence projects which are to help ensure that NATO remains fit for the future. The project, to develop a multinational logistics partnership on helicopter maintenance in Afghanistan, was part of the initial batch of projects launched by NATO leaders at their Chicago Summit in May 2012.


Secretary General stresses value of defence cooperation on visit to Hungary

2013. július 2. 12:23

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen stressed the importance of multinational cooperation to improve defence capabilities during his visit to Hungary on Monday (1 July 2013), which included talks with top Hungarian officials and a visit to the Strategic Airlift Capability at the NATO airbase in Pápa. “This is a perfect example of smart cooperation: nations working together to provide a capability which they could not afford on their own,” the Secretary General said.


Statement by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on progress in the Western Balkans

2013. július 1. 9:00

As Croatia prepares to become a member of the European Union on July 1, I congratulate the Croatian government and the people of Croatia for this important step in completing a Europe that is whole, free and at peace. Croatia is a valued NATO ally and a role model of successful Euro-Atlantic integration for the whole region.


Hungarian President makes first visit to NATO headquarters

2013. január 17. 18:30

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen thanked Hungary’s President János Áder for his country’s strong support to the Alliance’s operations in Afghanistan and Kosovo, during the president’s first visit to NATO Headquarters on Thursday 17 January.


NATO Secretary General welcomes Afghan transition announcement

2013. január 8. 9:10

I welcome President Karzai’s announcement of the fourth group of Afghan provinces, cities and districts to undergo transition in the coming months. With this decision, the Afghan security forces will be taking the lead for security for 87% of the Afghan population and 23 of the 34 Afghan provinces.


NATO Secretary General welcomes Afghan transition announcement

2013. január 2. 9:04

I welcome President Karzai’s announcement of the fourth group of Afghan provinces, cities and districts to undergo transition in the coming months. With this decision, the Afghan security forces will be taking the lead for security for 87% of the Afghan population and 23 of the 34 Afghan provinces.


NATO Spokesperson’s statement on the deployment of Patriot missiles to Turkey

2013. január 1. 6:04

The three NATO Allies which have agreed to provide Patriot missiles to augment Turkey’s air defences – Germany, the Netherlands and the United States – have agreed on the locations where the batteries will be deployed.


NATO Counter-Piracy Mission Making Real Progress

2012. december 21. 10:49

A combination of factors including stepped up naval patrols closer to shore is leading to a drop in pirate attacks off the Somali coast, the former commander of NATO’s counter-piracy mission said Monday (17 December).


Secretary General condemns North Korea’s rocket launch

2012. december 14. 11:44

Following the concerns expressed by the North Atlantic Council on December 5 after North Korean authorities declared their intent to launch a rocket using ballistic missile technology, I strongly condemn North Korea’s launch today (12 December).