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Attachés Visit Pápa and Veszprém

Szöveg: Fanny Faragó |  2018. április 10. 8:21

The MoD Department for International Cooperation (DIC) organized a two-day program for defence, military and air attachés accredited to Hungary. On the first day, the attachés paid a visit to HDF Pápa Air Base, and the following day they travelled to Veszprém where they were introduced to the task system of the HDF 54th Veszprém Radar Regiment and the HDF Air Command and Control Centre (HDF ACCC).

On their arrival in Pápa, the members of the international Budapest Military Attaché Corps (BMAC) were received by Maj. Miklós Bódai, the acting commander of the Base Operations Centre. In his presentation, among other topics he talked about the history of the air base, the multinational exercises and investments as well as the future development plans.

Following his presentation, the attachés were introduced to the independent, international program of the Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC), the missions of the Heavy Airlift Wing (HAW) and the structure of technical support provided by Boeing Co. Following the professional programs, the members of the delegation were shown the Boeing C-17 Globemaster III long-distance transport aircraft, the air traffic control tower and the base of the fire service stationed on the aerodrome.

The next day the attachés travelled to Veszprém, where Regimental Commander Col. László Zentai gave them a presentation on the organizational structure of the HDF 54th Veszprém Radar Regiment, and then HDF ACCC Commander Col. József Szücs talked about the history and function of the HDF Air Command and Control Centre.

While in the unit history memorial room, the members of the BMAC learned about the radars in service with the regiment, the history of Hungarian radar development and the Moon radar experiments, the former work of the aircraft warning service and the career path of Hungarian physicist Dr. Zoltán Bay.

Photos by the author