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Fanny Faragó


Baltic Air Policing: Gripens scrambled several times

2019. augusztus 13. 20:45

The Hungarian Defence Forces Baltic Air Policing Quick Reaction Alert Block 50 Detachment (HDF QRA Block 50 Det) is currently deployed at Siauliai Air Base, Lithuania, and has been performing air policing tasks in the Baltic region since May as the 50th rotation of the NATO Baltic Air Policing Mission. The Hungarian Gripens took off to conduct two Alpha (live) scrambles in 12 hours during a media day held at the Lithuanian base on Tuesday, 13 August.


The Military Attachés Competing with Each Other

2019. május 14. 20:01

The annual shooting championship of the military attachés accredited to Hungary was organised for the 25th time with the support of the MoD International Co-operation Department and the HDF vitéz Szurmay Sándor Budapest Garrison Brigade (MH BHD) on 13th May at the shooting range of Püspökszilágy. The military diplomats tested their skills for the Challenge Cup in three events with assault rifles and handguns in service with the Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF).


New Strategic Agreement in Higher Education Concluded by the Ministry of Defence

2019. április 25. 14:46

The Ministry of Defence will develop closer co-operation with the University of Nyíregyháza also in the fields of education, research and recruitment. The agreement was signed by the Rector Vassné dr. Figula Erika and the Defence State Secretary István Szabó in the banquet hall of the higher education institution on Thursday, 25th April.


Military Attachés Visiting Another Military Unit

2019. február 28. 13:02

MoD Department for International Co-operation organised a visit to a military unit for the defence, military and air attachés accredited to Hungary. The military diplomats were hosted by the HDF Civil-Military Co-operation and Psychological Operations Centre (HDF CMCPOC) on Wednesday, 27th February in the Szentendre-based Görgey Artúr Barracks.


Military Attachés in the HDF Logistic Centre

2019. január 25. 8:39

During this year’s first program of the defence, military and air attachés accredited to Hungary, they visited the Gen. Baron Hazai Samu Barracks in Budapest, where they learned about the task-system of the HDF Logistic Centre and that of its subordinated entities.


To the Memory of the Heroes

2018. október 30. 19:38

On the occasion of All Souls’ Day the Ministry of Defence commemorated the soldiers of Hungarian and other nationalities, who died a hero’s death, with wreath-laying and candle-lighting ceremony on Tuesday, 30th October.


They Returned Home

2018. október 3. 17:31

“I am proud of you, as it has once again been proved that the Hungarian peacekeepers perform their work with discipline, on good professional level and in excellent co-operation with the soldiers of other countries.” The homecoming members of the 43rd rotation of the Hungarian Contingent of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP-HUNCON) were welcomed with these words by Major General Zoltán Mihócza, the acting Commander of the HDF Joint Force Command (HDF JFC), on Wednesday, 3rd October, in Székesfehérvár.


Attachés’ Visit to Szentendre

2018. szeptember 23. 7:15

The defence, military and air attachés accredited to Hungary paid a visit to the HDF NCO Academy on Friday, 21st September.


“We not only Remember, but Draw Strength”

2018. augusztus 26. 18:27

The Hungarian and Soviet Soldiers, who lost their lives in World War II were remembered, on Sunday morning, 26th August in Csólyospálos, Bács-Kiskun County. Deputy Minister Mr. Szilárd Németh, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence also bowed his head at the war graves of the heroes, who died in the territory of the village.


„They murmured the Mariner’s Prayer”

2018. június 9. 22:22

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the SMS SZENT ISTVÁN battleship, a commemorative wreath-laying ceremony was held by the MoD Military History Institute and Museum (MoD MHIM) in the Naval Graveyard of Pula, Croatia on Saturday, June 9.