„Brave Warrior 2018” – Exercise in the Bakony Hills
Szöveg: First Lieutenant Csaba Búz | 2018. október 1. 11:58The soldiers of the HDF 5th ”Bocskai István” Infantry Brigade participate in a multinational tactical exercise in the recent days in the Bakony firing range and training ground.
The current exercise in the Bakony Hills, lasting from the 22nd September until the 5th October, forms part of the preparation for the CREVAL (Combat Readiness Evaluation of Land Units) of the HDF Battalion Battle Group offered for NATO. During the two weeks of the exercise the more than 1000 troops of the participating nations are engaged in target practices and tactical trainings, and use about 300 technical equipment.
The objective of the exercise "Brave Warrior 2018" is to further develop the capabilities of the Hungarian Defence Forces and to exercise in an international environment.
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