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Discussion on Current Issues in Military Cooperation

Szöveg: General Staff |  2015. december 9. 9:00

Military-to-military relations and the steps taken to handle the migration crisis were also on the agenda of a meeting that took place between Hungarian Deputy Chief of Defence (DCHOD) Lt.-Gen. Dr. Zoltán Orosz and his Serbian counterpart, DCHOD Lt.-Gen. Jovica Draganic in Budapest on Thursday, 3 December.


Heading a delegation of ten, the Serbian Deputy Chief of Defence arrived in Hungary at the invitation of Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó, received in late October. As part of his program, Lt.-Gen. Jovica Draganic paid a visit to Hungarian Deputy Chief of Defence Lt.-Gen. Dr. Zoltán Orosz to hold discussions with him. During these, the partners talked about current issues in the ongoing military cooperation between the two countries.

The military-to-military and military diplomacy relations between Hungary and Serbia are balanced and characterized by genuine cooperation, as Hungary conducts the most intensive bilateral military cooperation with the Serbian armed forces (SAF) in the region. As a result, in 2015 we participated in numerous joint exercises as active participants or observers. This bilateral military cooperation will focus on joint exercises, courses and training events in the future too. Cooperation will continue in 2016 with the exercise series NEIGHBOURS and IRON CAT.


The meeting provided the delegations with an opportunity to discuss regional security issues as well. The topics included the Hungarian Defence Forces’ role in the Balkans, and in connection with the migration crisis, the delegations informed each other about the military lessons learned in handling the situation and the measures taken so far. The Deputy Chiefs of Defence concluded the discussions by concurring with each other that the already exemplary military-to-military relations need to be strengthened further, with special regard to maintaining traditional relationship, continuing the combined training of units in different branches, and participating in international exercises.

After the meeting, the “national team" formed by the Serbian delegation played a match with the Hungarian team at the five-a-side “Santa Claus Cup". The Hungarian team included Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó, too.


Photos: Gábor Galovtsik