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End of the Sniper World Cup

Szöveg: Ferenc Antal |  2017. május 15. 9:23

The 15th Police and Military Sniper World Cup took place with the participation of military and police snipers from 17 countries. The closing day of the world competition organized by Hungary was held in the Law Enforcement Training Centre of the National Police Headquarters (NPH) in Budapest.


The closing ceremony of this year’s sniper world cup started on Tuesday, 2nd May in the Vágóhíd St. police facility with a fine display by the ceremonial group of the HDF vitéz Szurmay Sándor Budapest Garrison Brigade 32nd National Military Parade Unit.

The snipers had a number of busy days, as they executed as many as 30 different, drawn exercises simulating real-life situations with accuracies varying from 60 to 900 meters during the three days of the competition. Of these, four were strings of fire after dark, whereas the competitors carried out another nine exercises on the Tatárszentgyörgy and Táborfalva shooting ranges of the Hungarian Defence Forces.


The awards were presented by Police Maj.-Gen. Dr. Zsolt Halmosi, Chief Police Advisor, National Law Enforcement Deputy Chief of Police, Brig.-Gen. Attila Takács, Commander, HDF Augmentation, Preparation and Training Command and Márton P. Vincze, Director, NPH Law Enforcement Training Centre.

At the announcement of the results, competitors were given awards for the first six places. The snipers of Ukraine were placed first in the individual and team events of the military category, whereas the snipers of Hungary in the individual and team events of the police category.


At the announcement of results, the special prizes were also presented. These prizes are awarded by Chief of Defence Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő and Police Lt.-Gen. Károly Papp, National Chief of Police, and went to Hungarian competitors in both categories.

It was also announced that the “Best of the Best", the overall individual winner at this year’s sniper world cup is a Ukrainian shooter.


Photo: László Tóth