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Heavy Machine Gun Live Firing Exercise for Afghan Border Police

Szöveg: |  2015. május 2. 5:59

The Hungarian soldiers participating in Resolute Support Mission (RSM) in Afghanistan have the primary mission of providing training and advice for the Afghan armed forces and police.


As part of this mission, the advisory team of the 806th border police headquarters subordinated to the Train Advise Assist Command North (TAAC-N) and the soldiers of the HDF Force Protection Platoon recently held a heavy machine gun live firing exercise for Afghan Border Police (ABP) officers on a range near the camp in Mazar-e Sharif.

Led by Capt. Richárd Bartha, the members of the HDF Force Protection Platoon set up the range in a way that the personnel executing the firing tasks can learn the efficiency of heavy machine guns and the requirements of their use. The participants of the Train the Trainer course – soldiers selected from the heavy weapons and training company of the border police zone – were introduced to the operation and tactical-technical characteristics of the weapons as well as their (dis)assembly and proper maintenance.

After completing the training, the ABP officers are going to held further courses to pass on their knowledge to their colleagues.


Photo: HDF Force Protection Platoon