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Honvéd Palace Guard Takes Up Duties

Szöveg: László Szűcs |  2012. január 11. 6:02

„Although setting up the Honvéd Palace Guard in this form is a novelty, the guard traditions in Hungary are well-established and have a centuries-old proud history”, President of the Republic Dr. Pál Schmitt said on Saturday, January 7 outside the Sándor-Palace at the activation ceremony of the Honvéd Palace Guard.

As from January 7, 2012, the soldiers of the 75-strong Honvéd Palace Guard – which is assigned to the HDF Support Brigade 32nd National Honvéd Parade Unit –, are tasked with guarding the Sándor Palace in Budapest. Held on Szent György tér (St. George Square), the activation ceremony of the Palace Guard was attended by President of the Republic of Hungary Dr. Pál Schmitt, Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende, Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő, the Chief of the MoD Defence Staff and several leaders of the Ministry of Defence and the Hungarian Defence Forces.

“…The governmental decree has assigned the Hungarian Defence Forces the task of carrying out the protocol duties related to the President of the Republic and the protocol guarding of Sándor Palace… From this day on, you, honvéd palace guards have the noble tasks of displaying this tradition and keeping it alive… I expect you to do your service with fortitude and loyalty, remaining true to the slogan of the Honvéd Palace Guard!" – these sentences are excerpted from Gen. Tibor Benkő’s order read out at the ceremony.

In what followed, Lt.-Col. Ferenc Kiss, the commander of the Honvéd Palace Guard first reported to the Head of State, then requested permission to hoist the flag of the President of the Republic and to start performing the guard duties. After the ceremony, the Palace Guard introduced all the activities which they are tasked to perform as part of a daily show to be held in St. George Square from now on, such as posting the guard of honor, the weapon drill that is due to take place at 12:00hrs every day and the changing of the guard by the hour.

In his speech, the Head of State stressed that the service of the Honvéd Palace Guard demands a lot of discipline and humility, because from now on, these personnel convey some important values. Dr. Pál Schmitt closed his speech by thanking the sentries of the Republican Guard Regiment – who have been tasked with guarding the Sándor Palace until now – for their professional work and honorable commitment.


 Photo: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky

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