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International Exercise Load Diffuser 2017 Is Well Under Way in Kecskemét

Szöveg: Lt. Róbert Tóth |  2017. május 31. 9:00

After the official opening of the multinational exercise Load Diffuser 2017 on 22 May, the participating forces started to execute the tasks at the HDF 59th Dezső Szentgyörgyi Air Base.


The tasks of the first week included air-to-air missions, for example one-on-one and two-on-one air combat scenarios as well as air-to-ground (Close Air Support, CAS) missions, which were carried out individually and in two-ship formations.

Rotary-wing aircraft were also assigned a role during the first week of the exercise. The helicopters were involved in search and rescue and airlift missions.

The objectives of the exercise are to develop interoperability and to create integration among the nations. Further goals include the implementation of tactics used in NATO and cross-servicing.


Photo: Lt.-Col. Dr. István Toperczer