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KFOR – Exercise Silver Saber 2013

Szöveg: First Lieutenant Béla Papp |  2013. november 3. 7:29

The Month of October has been eventful for the troops of the HUN KFOR 9 Contingent in Pristina, similarly to the previous months.

Almost all KFOR subunits took part in the exercise named Silver Saber in Mid-October conducted in Camp Vrelo not far from Pristina, an already familiar place for the “Bocskai" soldiers of the “Charlie" Company (Coy) of the joint Portuguese-Hungarian peacekeeping battalion. The weather was not very merciful to the participants; the peacekeepers had to stand their ground during the chilliest days of this fall in cold rain.

The operations company service members participated in the exercise for three days. Major Lajos Asztalos, the deputy head of the KTM (KFOR Tactical Reserve Manoeuvre Battalion) Manoeuvre Section gave information about the details of the event. 

The Hungarian peacekeepers serving in Kosovo during the exercise

The “Silver Saber" is organised three times each year. The present exercise was held for the personnel posted to the area of operation (AO) from August until October. Its objective was to unify the CRC (crowd and riot control) techniques of the KFOR troops. – said the Major.

With this in mind “the KFOR subunits practice together with the local forces, thus with the Kosovo Police (KP) and the EULEX, the policemen of the European Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo. On this day the companies also practiced co-operation with the subunits having special capabilities – thus with the EOD specialists, the psychological operations group, and the Ukrainian roadblock removing subunit. Besides these, they practiced the air MEDIVAC (helicopter-assisted medical evacuation) with the contribution of the KFOR helicopters. The designated KTM service members conducted a so called Fire Phobia training for the other subunits, preparing them how to react while being attacked with Molotov Cocktails. During the five training sessions about 500 troops completed the tasks." – He added.

Crowd and Riot Control

According to Major Asztalos, the soldiers of the Hungarian operations company proved that the KTM battalion is not by chance the number one reserve force of KFOR in case of crowd and riot control (CRC) operations: in each of the training sessions, they accomplished the tasks extremely quickly and with great proficiency.

„Under a fictitious scenario, there were riots in the territory of Kosovo. The first reacting force was the local police, the Kosovo Police (KP). Later the situation got worse, and the KP requested the help of the EULEX. As the two forces together could not bring the events under control, either, the KFOR troops were ordered out. First the quick reaction, that is the QRF company arrived – consisting of American soldiers this time – then the other subunits: the Italians, the Austrians, the Germans, the Slovenians, and last but not least the KTM Hungarian company. The KFOR troops were tasked with securing the free movement and the safe environment." – said the Major.

Preparing for Deployment…

During the operations, the EULEX units used tear-gas as well, while the KFOR operations companies removed light and heavy roadblocks by the help of the caterpillar vehicle of the Ukrainians. The KTM Portuguese operations company took part in the exercise with one platoon’s strength; this time they acted as the opposing force, the “bad boys"…

The Commander of the KFOR Major General Salvatore Farina arrived at the exercise just as the Hungarian company was deployed, so he could witness the “impressive" production of he Bocskai soldiers.

The three days provided a good opportunity for the company’s leadership to improve the Charlie company’s own procedures after having seen the methods and techniques of the other subunits – added Major Lajos Asztalos.

Portuguese-Hungarian co-operation

The author’s photos