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Latvian Chief of Defence Visits Hungary

Szöveg: General Staff |  2016. május 27. 9:00

Lt.-Gen. Raimonds Graube, Chief of Defence of the Latvian National Armed Forces is paying a three-day visit to Hungary, heading a delegation. The main topics of his visit are the operation of the Temporary Security Barrier on the border and the role of the Hungarian Defence Forces in the migration crisis.

On the morning of Wednesday, 25 May, Hungarian Chief of Defence Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő received the Latvian delegation with full military honors in Heroes’ Square, where the guests laid a wreath by the monument to the unknown soldier. In what followed, the chiefs of defence held a plenary meeting, at which the main points on the agenda were the responses to the migration situation. The Latvian delegation was given a presentation about the tasks of the Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF), their role in dealing with the situation of illegal migration in Hungary, and the background to the changes in the Hungarian legal framework, which ensured the involvement of the HDF in the task.


Further topics for discussion included the military cooperation of the Visegrád Four (V4) countries, their joint European Union Battle Group (EUBG) that has been on stand-by since January and the possibility of organizing a training event for the EUBG in the Baltics.

In the afternoon, the Latvian delegation traveled to Hódmezővásárhely to visit the military unit stationed there in order to learn in practice about the tasks that the HDF are performing to deal with illegal migration.

While in Röszke, the foreign delegation was shown the Temporary Security Barrier on the border and the transit station in operation.


Photos: Lt. Beáta Sárkány Csehiné and WO Lajos Szabó