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Ministerial Award for Master Kobayashi

Szöveg: Ádám Draveczki-Ury |  2015. április 15. 9:20

Yasuo Kobayashi received an award in Budapest on April 10 from Minister of Defence Csaba Hende, who thanked the 8th dan Aikikai (akidio master) for his efforts made in Hungary.


For nearly 20 years now, aikido has been taught at the Martial Arts Department of the Honvéd Zrínyi Sport Association, and by this long tradition, the spring international training camp will be organized again in Budapest between April 9–12, 2015. The anniversary and 78-year-old Japanese 8th dan Aikikai Yasuo Kobayashi’s visit to Hungary give special emphasis to the event. In the morning of Friday, April 10, the high-ranking guest was greeted by Dr. Balázs Szabó, President, Association of Hungarian Kobayashi Dojos in the “Károly Takács" Training Hall of “Miklós Zrínyi" barracks.

Friday morning Minister of Defence Csaba Hende visited a training session that was being held by sensei Yasuo for more than 300 participants – including many soldiers –, and thanked the master’s efforts made in Hungary by handing over a certificate and a token of appreciation.

Photo: László Tóth