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Night of the Museums in Buda Castle

Szöveg: Tamás Zilahy |  2011. június 30. 15:10

The MoD Military History Institute and Museum (MHIM) took part for the eighth time in the nationwide program series ‘Night of the Museums’. The planning, organization and preparations have been going on since March to make sure that this year’s event can be another success story. Instead of the usual daily turnout of 600 to 800, on June 24 – that is, Midsummer Day, Eve and Night –, thousands of visitors arrived at the three venues: Kapisztrán Square, the courtyard of the museum and the Anjou-promenade. MoD Cabinet Chief Dr. Gábor Szarka also attended the event held in Buda Castle.

The venues of display were already crowded before 6:00 pm. Dozens of children gathered around the anti-aircraft guns along the promenade to familiarize themselves with these dreadful weapons of old times, which were operating like they used to, except for spitting fire…

Inside a tent, there were several 50–60-year-old radio sets on display, and the signalers introduced the visitors to their workings. The interested ones sent messages in Morse and listened to the radio communications between aircraft landing or taking off and the ATC Tower of ‘Liszt Ferenc’ Airport.

Various military binoculars brought the Buda hills within arm’s reach, giving pleasure to young and old alike.

In Kapisztrán Square, the military heritage groups held hand-to-hand combat demonstrations from 6:00 pm until 2:00 am. Further programs introduced the visitors to the history of close-quarters battle (CQB) from the age of the House of Árpád to the present. Assisted by professional commentators, the military heritage groups presented the typical uniforms, armaments and military equipment of bygone eras, while explaining the use of contemporary weapons and the special features of the equipment on display. The curious ones were allowed to try on the various vests and chain-mails as well as a piece of armor weighing around 35–40 kilograms. Those who had the strength and willingness could try out fencing with the armor on…

At the military heritage camps, the visitors had a chance to learn more about some weapons and try them out during the breaks between the presentations.

A little boy of kindergarten age had a huge success when he managed to disarm a dozen warriors with his wooden sword. The martial-looking soldiers did not stop him until he wanted to challenge another little boy to a duel.

The first 1,000 visitors who bought their tickets in the Military History Institute and Museum were invited to have a hot meal, which was cooking in a field kitchen. It was quite difficult to find a seat inside the jammed tent even around 8:00 pm.

Many children were watching the mini-battles of WWII tank models as they rolled into the courtyard of the museum from Kapisztrán Square on their own tracks, heading for the Marble Room where people were queuing up even at midnight to try out various simulators.

The hussars’ show drew a large audience – just like the much-applauded display of modern warfare held by the troops of the HDF 34th ‘Bercsényi László’ Special Operations Forces (SOF) Battalion.

Further programs included displays from the ages of the Árpáds and the Hunyadis, the Napoleonic era, the two world wars, and the period of the Hungarian People‘s Army, as well as military music from the era of the Turkish occupation. The staff of Zrínyi Media was also present at the event and joined the programs with technical equipment and specialists.

The guests also had the opportunity to learn about the database of the Central Archives of the MoD Military History Institute and Museum and to discover the so far unknown resting places of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. The staff of the Archives and the MoD Office for Public Relations and Military Grave Care helped them in looking for their ancestors’ data.

During the Night of Museums, discounted and retro books went on sale and guided tours were given inside the institution. Although the statistics have not been released, it is certain that the MHIM was bustling with life on this occasion. A myriad of magnetically attractive programs drew the visitors, mainly young people and children. The weather was fine and the atmosphere incredibly good during the eight hours of the 2011 Night of Museums here in the Buda Castle on Midsummer Day.

(Click on our gallery for more pictures!)

Photo: Gábor Galovtsik
