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Ready to Provide Assistance

Szöveg: Sándor Galambos |  2013. május 6. 9:00

The first rotation of the HDF Military Advisory Team (MAT) has recently finished its pre- deployment training. The Hungarian–American contingent held its culmination exercise (CULEX) in the “Miklós Zrínyi” barracks of Hódmezővásárhely on April 29. The designated commander of the team is Col. Zsolt Molnár, his deputy is Lt.-Col. David Ditz. According to plans, they are going to deploy in the Afghanistan area of operations in mid-May.

The members of the first rotation of the HDF Military Advisory Team have been training for
this mission abroad since last December. After the individual and the MOS training phases,
the close protection personnel and the motor vehicle drivers went to a base in Grafenwöhr,
Germany to acquire the necessary skills, whereas the Police Advisory Training (PAT) took
place in St. Astier, France. 12 of the 43-strong MAT are US soldiers, the members of the Ohio
National Guard.


Col. Zsolt Molnár told us that they will assist the work of two brigade staffs of the Afghan
National Security Forces (ANSF) in the area of the International Security Assistance Force
Regional Command North (ISAF RC-N). One of these is a border guard, while the other is a
military-police unit. The Hungarian Defence Forces have never carried out such a task before.

The contingent – which is mainly drawn from the personnel of the HDF 5th “Bocskai István"
Infantry Brigade – conducted the CULEX under a scenario simulating the expected real-world
situation. The advisory team performed staff work and prepared for leaving the base and
meeting the advisees. While en route to the meeting point, their convoy was ambushed – the
march simulated all kinds of incidents they should expect in real life. They came under fire,
found an improvised explosive device (IED), had to tow a damaged vehicle, and one of the
soldiers was wounded, so they requested medical evacuation (MEDEVAC).


Based on what they saw, the umpires from the HDF Joint Force Command stated that the
members of the contingent were ready to carry out the mission. Maj. Gusztáv Könyves, the
head of the exercise control committee told us that the soldiers of this close-knit team were
able to work together and help each other. The executive personnel properly reacted to all
incidents, and their actions were convincing. Among other things, this is due to the fact that
most soldiers of the team are experienced ones who have done several tours of duties in
various areas of operations.

Photos by the author