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Twelfth Rotation Starts Service in Kosovo

Szöveg: WO József Csajbók |  2015. február 23. 9:00

The handover-takeover process has been completed between two rotations of the Hungarian peacekeeping contingent serving in Kosovo. During a recently held transfer of authority (TOA) ceremony, Lt.-Col. Győző Preininger, the commander of the 11th rotation relinquished the command and responsibilities to Lt.-Col. János Gacsal, the commander of the 12th rotation.

Both commanders signed the TOA document at the event. Afterwards, Lt.-Col. Győző Preininger addressed a speech to the contingent lined up in front of him, in which he thanked the members of the 11th rotation for their work. He wished every success to the troops starting their six-month tour of duty, most of whom are drawn from the HDF 25/88 Airmobile Battalion of Szolnok.


Lt.-Col. János Gacsal thanked the members of the outgoing rotation who “have accomplished their tasks with honor". The commander of the contingent promised that they would do their best in continuing the service.

Speaking at the staff meeting, Capt. Roland Kálinger, the Catholic military chaplain of the contingent also said farewell to the members of the 11th rotation. Addressing the newcomers to the Kosovo area of operations, he asked them to help and listen to one another in the coming months, as they will form a large family over the next six months. He added that they should trust each other, their commanders and superiors.


Photos by the author