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Another Hungarian Contingent To Depart For Afghanistan

Szöveg: László Szűcs |  2010. május 25. 6:19

The increasing role of the Hungarian Defence Forces in Afghanistan has called for the deployment of another contingent to the Asian country, the some 40-strong HDF National Support Element. The NSE has undergone the pre-deployment training and at the closing exercise conducted on 18 May, soldiers demonstrated what they have learned. 

Tuesday was the last day of months of preparation for deployment for 35 Hungarian soldiers in Székesfehérvár. The personnel of the new Hungarian contingent preparing for the Afghanistan mission, the HDF National Support Element (HDF NSE) conducted a so-called closing exercise on this day to demonstrate what they have learned.

Before the start Colonel Dr. Gyula Révész, the commander of the first rotation of the HDF NSE told that the increasing role of the Hungarian Defence Forces has called for the deployment of the NSE to the operational area. The primary and most important duty of the NSE will be to provide supply and logistic backup for Hungarian contingents stationed in Afghanistan and soldiers in various positions.

The majority of personnel with the NSE – to be stationed in the German camp in Mazar-e Sharif – are from the HDF 43rd ’József Nagysándor’ Signal and Command Support Regiment of Székesfehérvár, the NSE commander is also the commander of the regiment. But there are also a number of troops from the HDF 64th ’József Boconádi Szabó’ Logistics Regiment of Kaposvár.

We were told by Col. Révész that the NSE commander – in line with the traditions of other nations serving in the theatre of operations – will also fulfil the role of the national ranking officer. Consequently, he will have to cope with a number of legal and HR issues during his six-month tour of duty in Afghanistan. In addition to that, the national ranking officer is also responsible for the management of various funerary issues, even though Col. Révész was hopeful that will not have to take steps ever in the latter case.

As regards preparation, the commander of the first rotation of the HDF NSE underlined that they have completed the necessary training tasks in Szolnok together with PRT personnel already in the theatre of operations. They have undergone specialized trainings in Kaposvár, Budapest and Székesfehérvár. Since the National Support Element is the first Hungarian contingent of this kind in the Afghanistan theatre, in addition to mandatory pre-deployment trainings and preparations, subordinate personnel have also completed special courses such as customs administration, procurement, life-saving on the battlefield, convoy escort, signalling.


Lieutenant General Károly Hazuga, Deputy Chief of Defence Staff and Major General (eng.) László Frigyer, Chief of Logistics, HDF Joint Forces Command were also present at the training exercise closing the pre-deployment preparations. Col. Révész informed the generals about the tasks of the HDF NSE. Like the colonel said, in addition to Mazar-e Sharif, the NSE will also operate a field unit in Kabul in order to ensure the completion of logistic tasks related to Hungarian troops serving there.

The commander also told us that most of the NSE’s tasks will be in connection with the Provincial Reconstruction Team. The preparation unit of the contingent arrived to Afghanistan three weeks ago, they are responsible for creating the necessary living and working conditions for the main forces. In the first few months, however, there will be relatively adverse circumstances waiting for Hungarians in Mazar-e Sharif, for the procurement of living and working containers is still in progress – Col. Révész added.

– For this new type of task we have selected people who are professionals and have already been on a mission – stressed the commander, who has also been on a mission: in 1998-99 he served with the Hungarian Engineering Contingent in Okucani, Croatia. Col. Révész also told us that the soldiers of the first rotation of the NSE will depart for Afghanistan on 4 June, and the formal farewell ceremony for the contingent will be held on 3 June in Székesfehérvár.

After the report Lt.Gen. Károly Hazuga pointed out that the National Support Element is of crucial importance for a mission, because by taking the load of logistics support off the shoulders of soldiers serving in theatre of operations, we can increase their sense of security. As a result, a separate organisation will be in charge of logistics support. This is important for the Hungarian Defence Forces because at the moment there are 356 Hungarian soldiers serving in Afghanistan. The deputy chief of defence staff added: the task waiting for these Hungarian soldiers is not just a logistic task but a more complex one, therefore the 35 troops of the support element will have a great responsibility.

Following that, the closing exercise of the first rotation of HDF NSE continued with the so-called dynamic display. The troops of the contingent demonstrated how to receive personnel arriving to the theatre of operations, how to brief them and complete their equipment. In the next manoeuvre they showed what they have to do in the event of an attack against their convoy outside the camp.

After the demonstration Lt.Gen. Hazuga addressed the personnel. He said since Hungarian troops first served in Afghanistan, the Hungarian Defence Forces have been preparing to deploy a National Support Element as well. Now this plan has been realised. The deputy chief of defence staff underlined that soldiers departing for Afghanistan must not forget even for a minute that there is a war and troops serving in the country are endangering their lives every day.

Following the closing exercise, in response to the question of Lt.Gen. Hazuga emphasised: the establishment of the National Support Element is a very significant step because the contingent will have to provide daily logistic support to Hungarian soldiers serving in the Asian country. By taking this load off the shoulders of the PRT, the Provincial Reconstruction Team will have to perform only its core duties in the future.
