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Bocskai Brigade on the Exercise of the Year

Szöveg: Cpl. Beáta Sárkány – Capt. Gergő Tamás |  2013. május 19. 5:04

The HDF 5th “Bocskai István” Infantry Brigade is conducting an exercise in full swing. The most important element of the maneuvers, which involve close to 1600 personnel and 340 items of military equipment in the area of the Bakony Combat Training Centre, is the ongoing preparation of the NATO-declared Infantry Battle Group (IBG-2) for the international CREVAL procedure.


The 39th infantry battalion, the backbone of the HDF IBG-2 has been preparing in the military training area of Hajmáskér since the end of April to demonstrate its state of readiness and be declared “combat ready". During the Combat Readiness Evaluation (CREVAL) procedure, the evaluators inspect the readiness of the IBG-2 – one of the subunits Hungary has declared to NATO – to properly execute the tasks specified in the operational requirements of the battle group. In connection with these tasks, the IBG may participate in crisis response and peace support operations (CRO/PSO), and provide assistance to other NATO member countries besides the armed defence of the homeland.

The Infantry Battle Group is taking part in several training sessions on Exercise “Fearless Warrior 2013". The soldiers have commenced their training with building cohesion on company level, integrating the module elements and conducting a mortar and ATGW live fire exercise. During the LFX executed with the combat vehicles, they also practiced a special procedure called Emergency Close Air Support (ECAS).

In the coming days, the personnel of the HDF IBG-2 continue their preparation with a company-level live fire tactical training (LFTT).


Photo: Cpl. Cs. Beáta Sárkány