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Ceremonial Medal Parade in Kabul

Szöveg: AAT-3 |  2012. augusztus 31. 11:21

The personnel of the HDF Air Advisory Team (HUN AAT-3) stationed at Shindand Air Base were invited to participate in a “medal parade” and professional exchange of ideas held in Kabul between August 18 and 22 – an event combined with a deserved celebration of the foundation of the Hungarian state. It was the commander of the AMT-7, the senior national representative of the Hungarian soldiers deployed in Kabul who extended the invitation to the AAT-3.

During their stay with their hosts, the members of the AAT-3 had an insight into the everyday life of the so-called “ISAF side" of the Kabul International Airport (KAIA). They got to know the staff and task system of the multinational helicopter advisory group. The AAT-3 from Shindand took the opportunity to give a presentation to the colleagues in Kabul on the tasks completed so far, the training methods, the experiences and the lessons learned.

On August 20 Col. Daley, the commander of the 438th Air Expeditionary Advisory Group (AEAG) handed over NATO peacekeeping medals and memorial certificates to the personnel of the AMT-7 and the AAT-3 in the presence of the invited guests at an informal ceremonial staff meeting. In his speech, the commander pointed to the importance of the work done by the Hungarian contingent, and said thanks for it. The “hosts", that is, the Hungarian mentors held a reception for the invited guests after the ceremony, serving beef-stew and a red-white-green cake made for this occasion.

Instead of taking a rest, the members of the AAT-3 spent the time left until their return by flying the Mi-17 V5 helicopter in a flight simulator set up on the base, to sharpen their flying skills and to practice simulated emergencies and instrument approach procedures.


 Photo: AAT-3
