Conference at Chiefs of Defence Level in Washington
Szöveg: General Staff | 2017. október 30. 10:03Between 22–25 October in Washington, with the participation of chiefs of defence from 73 countries, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford hosted the International Chiefs of Defense for Counter-Violent Extremist Organizations (C-VEO) Conference. Hungary was represented at the event by Deputy Chief of Defence Lt.-Gen. Dr. Zoltán Orosz.
The concept of Counter-Violent Extremist Organizations has been developed in recent years in the USA, in the interest of strengthening the practical implementation and theoretical foundations of counter-terrorism. All organizations are considered VEOs that use, beyond the means of terrorism, other violent methods such as blackmail and kidnapping.
The category of VEO comprises far more organizations than the number of those considered terrorist ones. At previous conferences, the partner countries emphasized that ISIS poses the greatest threat to Europe, therefore it is essential to recognize the importance of joint action, to adopt a network-based approach to solving the problem, and to understand that in the interest of effective policy, military efforts must support the whole of international governments.
In accordance with a decision of the National Assembly, the Hungarian Defence Forces have been participating in the international counter-ISIS-coalition in Iraq since the beginnings in 2015, and later NATO also joined this coalition officially. The aim of the present conference was to create a forum to discuss the threat posed by global violent extremist organizations, and the process aimed at defeating them with the help of the military network. The conference has shed light on the fact that the cross-regional nature of this threat is a challenge to global security, and for this reason, all countries must be interested in developing common understanding and promoting the unity of effort.
Hungary is committed to reducing the level of terrorist threat in Europe and to managing the humanitarian disaster hitting Europe due to illegal migration. Our country pays special attention to the security and stability of the Western Balkans, while, at the same time, it also has a firm commitment to tackling problems at their root. For this reason, on their foreign missions, the Hungarian Defence Forces are participating, inter alia, in creating the conditions for peace and stability in some sending countries of migration, which is essential in the interest of managing the main causes of migration.
Photo: General Staff