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Csaba Hende Receives Colleen Bell on Introductory Visit

Szöveg: / MTI |  2015. január 28. 13:00

On Monday, January 26 Minister of Defence Csaba Hende received Colleen Bell, the United States’ new ambassador to Budapest on an introductory visit, the Ministry of Defence told Hungarian News Agency MTI in a statement.

Minister Hende and Colleen Bell discussed the priorities of the Ministry of Defence, the future plans of the Hungarian Defence Forces, the current state of Hungarian–American defence cooperation and the opportunities to develop it further, the statement said. The two partners also discussed issues related to Ukraine and other crisis areas.


Colleen Bell thanked Hungary for its participation in international operations and praised the excellent cooperation in the field of defence between the United States and Hungary, especially in the area of cooperation between the special forces, the statement said.

Referring to the NATO Wales Summit held last autumn, the ambassador emphasized the significance of increasing defence budgets.

Colleen Bell arrived in Hungary on January 19, and presented her letter of credence to President of Hungary János Áder in Sándor Palace on January 21.


Photo: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky