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Danish Lessons Learned Analysis with the Hungarian LMT

Szöveg: Lt. Grácia Komor |  2013. június 11. 12:27

At the end of May a trainer from the Finland-based Fincent Fact Finding Team (FFFT) spent a day with the Hungarian Liaison and Monitoring Team (LMT) in Kosovo.


The FFFT is in charge of the pre-deployment academic and hands-on training of the Swedish

and Finnish LMTs. Danish WO Jarl Laursen had opportunity to compare the program of the

FFFT with that of the HDF Civil-Military Cooperation and Psychological Operations Centre,

the organization responsible for the pre-deployment training of the Hungarian LMT.

At the end of the day, WO Laursen expressed satisfaction with the professional standards of

the Hungarian LMTs and said he had found significant parallels between the two training


Photo: SFC Ferenc Kapor