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Lt. Grácia Komor


Working Lunch with the President of the Council

2013. augusztus 11. 9:42

Shaban Ahmeti – the president of the minority council of Podujevo Municipality in the area of responsibility of the Hungarian Liaison and Monitoring Team (LMT) deployed in Kosovo – is also the local leader of the Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian (RAE) minority political party. He recently invited the soldiers of the Hungarian LMT to a working lunch.


The Commander of KFOR Visits Podujevo

2013. június 27. 9:00

Maj.-Gen. Volker R. Halbauer, the commander of KFOR recently visited Podujevo Municipality, in the area of responsibility of the Hungarian Liaison and Monitoring Team (LMT). The general was joined on his visit by Col. Mikael Christoffersson, the commander of the Joint Regional Detachment-Centre (JRD-C).


Danish Lessons Learned Analysis with the Hungarian LMT

2013. június 11. 12:27

At the end of May a trainer from the Finland-based Fincent Fact Finding Team (FFFT) spent a day with the Hungarian Liaison and Monitoring Team (LMT) in Kosovo.