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Defence minister’s visit to Pákozd

Szöveg: |  2010. július 22. 6:43

On July 15, 2010, Dr. Csaba Hende, the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Hungary paid a visit to the Pákozd Military Memorial, where he was received by János Takács, the mayor of Pákozd and local MP László L. Simon, Chairman, Committee on Cultural and Press Affairs, and Col. Dr. István Görög, the managing director of the company operating the memorial.

Dr. Csaba Hende and his delegation, Lt.Gen. Tibor Benkõ, Chief of Defence Staff, MoD, Maj.Gen. József Kovács, Commander, HDF Joint Forces Command, and Gábor Szarka, Head of Cabinet Office, MoD were shown around the Pákozd Military Memorial Park. The defence minister was briefed on the operation of the company and the realised developments by Col. Dr. István Görög, while János Takács and László L. Simon informed him of the plans.
The defence minister highly appreciated the achievements to date and pledged further development and support to the memorial.