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Defence Ministers to focus on collective defence, Wales Summit

Szöveg: / |  2014. június 3. 15:00

Collective defence and preparations for the NATO Wales Summit in September will be in the spotlight at a two-day meeting of defence ministers which begins on Tuesday (3 June). Ministers will also meet with their Ukrainian and Georgian counterparts and discuss the ISAF mission in Afghanistan with ISAF contributors and the Afghan defence minister.
The first working session will focus on the broader and longer-term implications of Russia’s illegal actions in Ukraine in terms of collective defence. Ministers will discuss what more needs to be done in the medium and long term. This will include discussions on raising the responsiveness of the NATO Response Force, and more focus on special forces, cyber defence and stepped-up exercises.

Ministers will then hold a session of the NATO-Ukraine Commission to discuss the security situation in Ukraine and priorities for defence cooperation between NATO and Ukraine. This will be followed by a second working session of the 28 Allies to discuss the broader preparations for the Wales Summit in terms of readiness, military capabilities and defence investment.

Wednesday will begin with a session of the NATO-Georgia Commission to discuss the current status of Georgia’s defence reforms, and plans for further work. It will also be a chance to discuss the wider regional implications of the Russia-Ukraine crisis.

The ministerial will conclude with a meeting of ISAF contributors and the Afghan defence minister. They will assess the current security situation, the status of planning for NATO’s proposed non-combat mission to train, advise and assist the Afghan forces from the beginning of next year, and progress in the transition of security responsibility to the Afghan security forces. Ministers will also review the political transition following the 5 April elections, including with a view to the second round in June.