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Extended cooperation

Szöveg: Réka Zsigmond |  2016. május 13. 9:00

One of the Military Information Support Operations (MISO) Teams of the U.S. European Command, Special Operations Command Europe (US EUCOM SOCEUR, located in Stuttgart, Germany) held a three-day special training course between 26–28 April in the Lehel St. compound of the Ministry of Defence. Attended by close to 30 personnel, the propaganda analysis and counterpropaganda course was intended for the staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces Civil-Military Cooperation and Psychological Operations Centre (HDF CMCPOC, Budapest) and soldiers of other military units.


The HDF CMCPOC has already been cooperating with the SOCEUR’s MISO Team for three years. The Team first paid an introductory visit to Budapest, and further visits over the next years, when the HDF CMCPOC organized its own tactical PSYOPS team (TPT) training in 2014 and held a PSYOPS tactical planning course in 2015, with guest instructors invited from the U.S. EUCOM.

In April 2016, the propaganda analysis and counterpropaganda course hosted by the HDF CMCPOC was a special opportunity, because for the first time ever, the American partners brought not only guest instructors but also a whole course to the Centre in Hungary. Aimed at sharing the lessons learned, the course curriculum included several real-life civilian and military examples, and proved to be highly beneficial to both parties. The representatives of the two organizations assured each other of finding new ways to extend cooperation in the future.

Photo: Capt. Richárd Elek