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Extraordinary Regimental Parade

Szöveg: Capt. Judit Csekei Cseszreginé |  2015. október 29. 9:00

At an extraordinary regimental parade, Col. Ferenc Kovács, the commander of the HDF 12th Arrabona Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) Regiment presented awards to the soldiers who were declared MISSION CAPABLE at the NATO Capability Evaluation (CAPEVAL).


For their outstanding performance given during the NATO CAPEVAL that ran between 5 and 9 October and ended with “MISSION CAPABLE" qualification for the first time in the history of the branch, the commander of the regiment presented memorial certificates to the following members of the 5/62/1 Mistral SAM platoon: 1st Lt. Bence Nagy, Lt. Péter Hauke, SWO Antal Hercz, WO Zoltán Kisutcányi, SFC Kornél Mravik, SFC Norbert Bialkó and CPL Szabolcs Csatári.


For their outstanding performance during the preparations and support for the NATO CAPEVAL, memorial certificates were presented to Capt. Sándor Nagy, Capt. Ádám Marót and Sgt. Gergely Kocsis. For their dedicated work as supporters, the regimental commander expressed special thanks to Lt.-Col. Ferenc Könczöl, Lt.-Col. Tibor Matyi, Maj. Csaba Halász and WO Szilvia Antal Nyáradiné.


From now on, the entire personnel of the Mistral SAM platoon will proudly wear a distinctive badge on their uniform. In memory of the successful CAPEVAL, all soldiers of the platoon received MISSION CAPABLE arm badges, which were presented to them by Col. Ferenc Kovács and Deputy Commander Lt.-Col. Ferenc Könczöl.


Photos by the author