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Far Away from the Homeland

Szöveg: |  2012. április 18. 12:01

However far we are from our homeland and loved ones, we should not forget our traditions and customs! This was stated at the Easter ceremony for the troops of the Hungarian Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT) serving in Afghanistan.

Monday morning the soldiers of the contingent were gathering for a joint breakfast inside the “white tent", where they sat down at lavishly set tables. In addition to the traditional ham, boiled eggs and milk loaf, there were Hungarian salami and sausage on the tables. Lt.-Col. János Somogyi, the commander of the contingent noted that “however far we are from our homeland and loved ones, we should not forget our traditions and customs. Those in Hungary do not forget us either, since the Hungarian flavors – which are part of the celebration – would not be present on our neatly set tables without the caring attitude of the HDF Joint Force Command.

Easter cannot go by without the customary sprinkling, and the boys did not want to break with this tradition. The ladies presented the boys with eggs and picture cards. The sporting competitions started in the morning hours and continued into the afternoon. The Montenegrin, Albanian and Croatian soldiers serving with the contingent also entered the contest.


