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Final Farewell to Former Head of State in National Cemetery on Fiumei Street

Szöveg: / MTI |  2011. június 8. 14:32

The final farewell to the former President of the Republic was bidden with military honors in a Catholic church service on June 7, Tuesday in the afternoon hours. Besides politicians and public figures, several hundred mourners arrived in the National Cemetery on Fiumei Street to attend Dr. Ferenc Mádl’s funeral.

Dr. Ferenc Mádl was laid to rest at the 40th burial place in the first row of lot No. 28 of the National Cemetery on Fiumei Street, which the National Memorial Site and Funerary Committee declared part of the National Cemetery in its session held on last Wednesday.

The President of the Republic of Hungary, Dr. Pál Schmitt delivered a speech at the funeral, in which he called his deceased predecessor a man of strong character. The President of the Republic stressed that Dr. Ferenc Mádl was one of those who, beyond their own destiny, give a whole nation strength of character and perseverance. Through his education, moral example and lifelong willingness to help, the former Head of State was able to create stability and the certainty of values around himself, Dr. Pál Schmitt said.

“When speaking about Dr. Ferenc Mádl, almost everybody recalls his radiating optimism and informal humanity. Apart from lecturing from the podium, he put into practice every day the saying that a smile is the shortest distance between two people", the President added.

Dr. Pál Schmitt also noted that Dr. Ferenc Mádl must have been filled with joy to see his own creed formulated in the National Avowal of Faith of Hungary’s Fundamental Law, according to which “We hold that the family and the nation constitute the principal framework of our coexistence, and that our fundamental cohesive values are fidelity, faith and love. We hold that the strength of a community and the honor of each person are based on labor, the achievement of the human mind."

Dr. Pál Schmitt recalled that on being elected President of the Republic, Dr. Ferenc Mádl noted that “We still have a lot to do", and did not forget that everybody including himself must do his or her share of the tasks. In that speech, the former Head of State stressed that “we are responsible for ensuring that everyone can win a bigger and better loaf of bread, for more value-creating work, even more promising economic growth, more security and respect for the law as well as solidarity with the people in need", the President added as a reminder.

“Most Esteemed President, we still have a lot to do indeed, and there are more and more tasks lying ahead of us. To accomplish them is our sacred obligation", Dr. Pál Schmitt said.
The President of the Republic concluded his farewell speech by thanking the former President on behalf of the posterity for his life-work, personal example as well as his spiritual and moral heritage.


 Photo: Ernő Horváth