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Forty-Five Hungarian Soldiers Participate in DANCON March

Szöveg: |  2014. április 10. 9:00

The traditional Danish endurance test DANCON March was held for KFOR peacekeepers in Kosovo on the first Saturday of April. Forty-five Hungarian soldiers were among the 1,100 participants.


Hundreds of participants entered the DANCON March in Kosovo

The DANCON March has been held several times every year since 1972, in areas of operation where Danish soldiers are deployed. The purpose of the march is to demonstrate the soldiers’ physical preparedness, and serves as an excellent social event for bringing together allied forces.

The soldiers walk a specified distance to complete the march. They wear BDUs and carry personal weapons, and their full military equipment cannot be lighter than 10 kilograms. According to the rules, running is not allowed, and the boots must not be changed for trainers or hiking shoes.

The Hungarian soldiers gave a good performance at this year’s DANCON March in Kosovo, all of them covering the distance. For the first time, apart from the classic 25 kilometer-route, the participants of this year’s march had opportunity to enter a 50-kilometer march as well. Six Hungarian peacekeepers covered the longer distance.


The Hungarian soldiers participating in the march