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Full Operational Capability of the Hungarian company

Szöveg: / |  2014. március 16. 11:02

The Multinational Battalion of the EUFOR in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) consists of a Turkish and a Hungarian infantry coy and a staff of Turkish, Hungarian and Austrian soldiers. On the 5th of March the battalion commander, Lt.Col. Harald Scharf inspected the mission-readiness of the Hungarian infantry coy, which has been in the theatre since January this year.

A wounded person is prepared for the air transport

A wide range of skills required

During the inspection the Hungarians had to show diverse military capabilities according to NATO standard procedures. Among others, this included transport planning and execution, explosive ordnance disposal and first aid in cooperation with helicopters.

Professionalism stated

Outcome of the inspection: The soldiers have a good physical and mental condition, the teams are highly motivated and cooperate extraordinarily. All tasks were fulfilled as expected. The Hungarian soldiers proved that they hold a high level of professionalism.

Written by Lt Col Alexander Pehr