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Commemoration of the Hungarian Heroes in the United States

Szöveg: Szabolcs Nyulas |  2018. június 12. 9:20

A festive holy mass and a wreath-laying ceremony was held on the Memorial Day of the Hungarian Heroes in Cleveland, Ohio, United States. In his interview given after the commemoration, Colonel János Hess, the Defence Attaché of the Hungarian Defence Forces accredited to Washington pointed out that the memory of the Hungarian heroes must be kept alive and respected.

The ceremony began in the St. Emeric Roman Catholic Parish Church, where a speech was delivered by Colonel János Hess, the Defence Attaché of the Hungarian Defence Forces accredited to Washington. The Attaché – following the ceremony – in his interview given to the local Hungarian media, the Bocskai Radio, pointed out that we should remember with respect the deeds, with which our heroes served the cause of our Motherland.

He added that he accepted the invitation for the commemoration, because he believes that a soldier can commemorate most worthily of the heroes of the Second World War. In his answer to the question, why it is important to show the examples of the heroes, he said that the new challenges emerging in the world, the armament of the nations, indicate that there might be such situations, when the youth of our time must defend their Homeland, their family and their culture. “We can draw strength – I think – from our history, from the memory of our heroes" – underlined the Colonel.

He noted that the Hungarian Government places a greater emphasis on the appreciation of the soldiers, therefore this career is now more attractive, than in the era, when he joined the Hungarian Defence Forces. If the Army strengthened, equipped with the new armament can show a new image within the Alliance, then the military career can be even more attractive for the youth today – he said.

According to the Duna Television report, after the Mass, the participants placed wreaths at the Monument of Hungarian Heroes in the Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery, and at the graves of two Hungarian officers: Major General Kornél Oszlányi and Lieutenant General Gyula Kovács. Both officers were fighting in the battles at the River Don.

In his festive speech Colonel János Hess highlighted that these soldiers served the Motherland and the Hungarian Defence Forces in the hardest period of the Hungarian history; they have accomplished great feats, and they demanded the same heroic feats from their subordinates in their human, but military manner.

Whilst it is true, that in that era the Motherland did not thank them for their feats, and they were forced to leave their homes; and both of them immigrated to the United States. In the last period of their lives the two officers lived as friends in Cleveland – said the Attaché.

After the commemoration Colonel János Hess visited the eldest, now 104-year-old First Lieutenant László Tomasek, who served in the Second World War as a border guard. The Colonel presented the gift of the Hungarian Defence Forces to the elderly veteran, and said thanks for his invaluable service.