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Hungarian Weapons Inspectors in the Balkans

Szöveg: Lieutenant Colonel Rádó Andrásné |  2018. május 23. 9:21

A Hungarian, Czech and Bulgarian joint expert group carried out a multi-day inspection recently in Bosnia-Herzegovina under the provisions of the Vienna Document 2011.

The Hungarian group-leader designated from the MoD Defence Policy Department, Arms Control Section, the expert from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Czech and Bulgarian guest inspectors jointly inspected a designated area in Bosnia-Herzegovina from May 15-18. The purpose of the inspection was to establish whether there is military activity subject to mandatory declaration conducted in the given area.


Based on the prior voluntary declaration of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the inspection-group had already information about the Exercise Dynamic Response 18-4 taking place in the country; therefore the collection of the exercise related information was included among the aims of the inspection. After the arrival, the inspectors were given a briefing about the designated region, the military units, drill grounds and shooting ranges to be found there.

In the next two days, according to the agreed program, the participants carried out the area-inspection – primarily by air surveillance. During the flight they could observe from the air the drill grounds, the shooting ranges and the military units located in the region, in the headquarters of which, they were given presentations about the brigades and their activities after having landed.


Upon their request, the members of the inspection group received detailed information about the Dynamic Response 18-4 tactical exercise combined with live fire exercise (LFX) carried out on Manjaca range, and gained an insight into that as well. They inspected the control room of the exercise, and the command post of the 4th Mechanised Infantry Brigade, participating in the exercise.


The inspectors established that there was not such military activity conducted in the designated area, which is subject to prior declaration under the provisions of the Vienna Document.