One of the Flags of the United States was placed at the Faculty of Military Sciences
Szöveg: National University of Public Service | 2018. április 30. 14:23The Faculty of Military Sciences (FMS) exhibited one of the national flags of the United States at the auditorium of the Zrínyi Miklós Barracks and University Campus at a ceremony. The flag was presented as a gift to Prof. Dr. András Patyi, the Rector of the Institution, by a delegation of the US Congress visiting the National University of Public Service (NUPS) in March.
In the course of the ceremony the members of the Nándor Honour Guard, and the officer cadets wearing the Ludovika dress uniform, having paid honour before the US flag and following the ceremonious folding of the flag in conformity with the flag regulations, placed the national symbol in the vitrine designed for this purpose.
All the university students and the guests can view both the flag and the deed on the donation in a vitrine in the lobby of the Auditorium.