Ugrás a tartalomhozUgrás a menüpontokhozUgrás a lábléchez Is the Website of the Year

Szöveg: |  2012. november 29. 12:08

The marketing society likes the renewed – this was revealed at the November 26 award ceremony. Our website was placed first in the government category among the 25 categories of the “Website of the Year” Award, which marks its 11th anniversary this year.


During the award ceremony, the jury assessing the website pointed out that “ appears as an impulsive and engaging webpage with a very good atmosphere", and is part of a well-prepared emotional campaign.

Answering our question, Anikó Farkas, the press chief of the Ministry of Defence said that “this year we initiated the renewal of the outward appearance and editorial policy of because we felt that previously it had almost exclusively targeted soldiers and the fans of military news. While the webpage continues to play a special role in the flow of information and communication within the organization, by now – to use a mixed metaphor – it has become much more open to the civil eyes and ears too, and the great many photos and videos have made the webpage outright attractive, meeting the needs of 21st century consumers.
Receiving the “Website of the Year" Award has been a great honor and surprise to us. At the same time, I think that the website – which now has a beautiful design – and the lots of work behind it, for which I thank all contributors, have deserved this recognition."

Károly Bozsonyi, PhD, the General Manager of the MoD Zrínyi Non-profit Company maintaining the website stressed that “we have worked for a long time – early this year we started gathering the data from the website-based questionnaire of satisfaction, and evaluating the users’ opinions. The contents of the website were tailored to these results, and finally we changed the design as well, to adapt it to the requirements set by the renewed content. I believe we have understood the needs of the visitors of the homepage, and – in close cooperation with the Press Office – have taken an important step in renewing the public affairs of the Hungarian Defence Forces.

The criteria for assessing the applications submitted to the competition announced by the Internet Marketing Club of the Hungarian Marketing Association form a complex system. In addition to the available content, the websites applying for the award are given scores for interactivity, innovation, design, impression as well as navigability.