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Hungarian Foreign Affairs Delegation in Naqoura

Szöveg: Capt. Sándor Kisgyörgy |  2016. május 9. 4:43

A delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and representatives of the Hungarian Embassy in Beirut recently paid a visit to the Headquarters of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL HQ).


The delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade was headed by Deputy Minister of State Levente Benkő, who held discussions with military and civilian leaders of UNIFIL. The participants of the meeting discussed the current regional developments, UNIFIL’s role and significance as well as its possibilities for restoring peace in the region.

After the discussion, the program of the delegation continued with a helicopter tour near the Lebanese–Israeli border.

In the second half of the day, the delegation members met the Hungarian staff officers serving with UNIFIL. Afterwards, 1st Lt. Roland Rábel informed the guests about the structure and work of the UNIFIL Joint Geographic Information Service (JGIS) Section.