Hungarian-led inspection team finished the inspection in Ukraine
Szöveg: LtCol Csaba Csoknyai | 2017. szeptember 28. 9:00The Hungarian-led Visegrad 4 + Denmark and Canada inspection team returned home from Ukraine, where it conducted an inspection between 18 to 24 September 2017, based on Chapter X of the Vienna Document of 2011 on the Confidence and Confirmation Measures (CSBMs).
According to the preliminary planning Inspector Team has been requesting and receiving information from the Ukrainian military units, representatives of the Border Guard and National Guard units, installed in the southern and south-eastern part of Ukraine. The Ukrainian partners provided detailed information on the current security situation, the structure and tasks of military organizations and subordinates. The inspectors could visit several military units within the designated area and see their equipment.
The Inspection Team met with representatives of civil administration of the region in Odessa and Cherson. During the one-week mission, V4 inspectors also visited the crossing points at Kalanchak and Chongar.