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Hungarian National Day Celebrated in Cyprus

Szöveg: Lt.-Col. Tamás Terék |  2013. április 4. 9:06

The ides of March in Cyprus was entirely different from that in Hungary – the 32nd rotation of the UNFICYP Hungarian contingent remembered the events of March 15, 1848 in much more favorable weather conditions.


Dr. Balázs Botos, Hungary’s ambassador to Cyprus and the Slovak, Croatian and Serb representatives of Sector 4 also honored the event with their presence. In his words of welcome, the ambassador pointed out that 1848-49 is the celebration of the Hungarians’ love of freedom, which has surfaced in the lives of all nations, although in different eras. At the same time, this is the proudest holiday for a nation to celebrate and hold up as an example to the future.

Approaching the end of the six-month mission, the event was at once about farewell. Speaking at the reception, the contingent commander thanked the outgoing personnel of the mission for their work and joint activity, and handed over memorial plaques to them, wishing them the best of luck, health and strength for their work in the future.