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Hungarian Soldiers Are Assigned New Transportation Tasks in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Szöveg: 1st Lt. Ferenc Szabó |  2014. június 3. 9:00

The “flood of the century” is still a very serious problem in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The peacekeepers of Operation EUFOR ALTHEA, including the Hungarian soldiers, are also participating in the relief efforts launched in the aftermath of the natural disaster. The HDF EUFOR Contingent was assigned a new set of transportation tasks in recent days.


May 26, 2014

On this day, to help with recovery in the aftermath of the flooding which struck Bosnia-Herzegovina, the EUFOR Joint Operations Center (JOC) assigned another transportation task to the Multinational Battalion (MNBN). The battalion commander allocated the task to two Hungarian soldiers serving with the infantry company of the 14th rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent, who had the mission of transporting baby food and hygiene products from Pale to the town of Modrica.


May 28, 2014

In the early morning hours, a motor vehicle left Camp Butmir, Sarajevo for Bihac, in order to transport a generator offered by the town to the flood-stricken part of the country. Besides, in the morning hours, the commander of the Multinational Battalion detailed 18 soldiers in a convoy of ten trucks – from the infantry company and the National Support Element of the Hungarian contingent – to Sarajevo International Airport, where a UN aid shipment arrived by air from Dubai. The Hungarian convoy transported the 15 pallets of food from Sarajevo to the town of Kakanj.


May 29, 2014

Although the flood on the rivers has subsided, the volume of the tasks is not decreasing – on the contrary, the recovery works are just about to start. On this day too, the Hungarian soldiers were standing by in the camp. This time, the commander of the Multinational Battalion assigned them the mission of transporting an electrical generator to the town of Orasje, because electricity supply is still erratic in the natural disaster-stricken northern and north-eastern parts of the country.


Besides, on this day the Hungarian peacekeepers delivered aid to Doboj, Samac, Bijeljina and Brcko, dispatching more than 10 tons of food to the intended destination. Moreover, the Hungarian soldiers transported hygiene products, mineral water and medicine to Tuzla and Brcko.


Photos by the author