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Joint Checkpoint at the Gateway to Khilagay

Szöveg: HUN PRT-13 Public Affairs NCO |  2012. november 13. 10:02

The former police building, which was in a state of neglect, has by now received a new, modern annex. Col. Antal Sipos, the commander of the 13th rotation of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT-13) handed over a new common police and National Directorate of Security (NDS) checkpoint in Khilagay on October 31. Reporting from the spot.


The checkpoint was built after receiving a request from the provincial police chief and conducting site inspections on multiple occasions. The inquiry into the justification of the request, the concrete implementation, the construction works took only five months. The former police building which was hitherto in a state of neglect, has by now received a new, modern annex.

The new service building consists of a kitchen and a bathroom as well as eight rooms. The NDS was given two offices of the complex, whereas the other six rooms were converted to offices and resting rooms for the police. The kitchen and the bathroom are common use. Thanks to another completed project, the building has been furnished and so significantly improves the working conditions of the staff of the Afghan security organizations.


The inauguration ceremony of the building, that is, the cutting of the Hungarian tricolor ribbons, took place in the presence of the provincial police chief and the deputy head of the NDS. This act symbolized that the Hungarian soldiers want to promote peace and development in Afghanistan.

In his speech delivered at the ceremony, Col. Sipos pointed out the importance of providing support to the Afghan security organizations. He stressed that this checkpoint would be no more than a simple building without the commitment and hard work of the staff working inside it.