KFOR-8 – The Training Goes On
Szöveg: 1LT Csaba Búz | 2012. november 1. 6:08The second phase of the pre-deployment training which is being conducted in the Hódmezővásárhely garrison of the HDF 5th ‘Bocskai István’ Infantry Brigade recently concluded with a target practice for the soldiers preparing for the KFOR-8 mission. The contingent is based on the troops of the Operations Support Engineer Battalion of Hódmezővásárhely, who are augmented with the small subunits located in Hajdúhadház.
In the third phase, a main element of the training for executing the core duties of KFOR is the rehearsal of crowd riot control (CRC) actions, because the Hungarian peacekeepers may be assigned tasks like this in the area of operations.
At the end of November the contingent will conduct a culmination exercise (CULEX) to demonstrate their skills in using the CRC methods and executing the different tasks.
Photo: SSGT Norbert Valach