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March 15 Celebrated At Zrínyi University

Szöveg: Andrea Kánya |  2010. március 19. 8:03

To commemorate the anniversary of the revolution and freedom fight of 1848-49, Zrínyi Miklós University of National Defence held a personnel assembly on March 15, our national holiday. Dr. Imre Szekeres, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Hungary, and General László Tömböl, MoD Chief of Defence Staff also participated in the event.   

Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Gábor Szarka, the commander of the Student Division led up the students, then a student, Tibor Ágoston delivered a speech. He said at the time of the revolution Lajos Kossuth clearly saw that the only way to save the country and the revolution was to establish a strong army. "The National Assembly passed the motion of Kossuth to offer 200,000 soldiers and 42 million forints, and in just a few days the organization of the first independent Hungarian army began at a rapid pace. The Hungarian Military School, earlier known as the Ludoviceum, opened on January 4, 1849," said the student. He added: the school operated only for two weeks because the imperial troops entering Pest closed it down. "The freedom fight urgently needed trained officers as well. Imperial officers and soldiers who agreed with the necessity of civil transformation also undertook service on the side of the Hungarian government, so Polish, Austrians, Germans, Italians, and even some British fought in the Hungarian freedom fight! He also called attention to the activities of Sándor Petõfi, Pál Vasvári, and Alajos Degré, because it was the March youth, led by them, who were the first to join the army.

The commemoration of the student was followed by the address of Imre Szekeres. The minister said that only a year after the events of March 15, 1848, the entire country was celebrating. “In the spring of 1849, this day was already commemorated – the celebration was held in Debrecen, with a parade and fireworks. What can be the reason for this, that one year after the historic event, the entire nation was celebrating? What can be the reason for the fact that it is still the most prominent national holiday for Hungarian people? The answer is Hungarian history, culture, national cohesion, desire for freedom, and democracy. For the Hungarian Defence Forces, this day means even more, for only a few years after March 15, the prime minister began the recruitment campaign and soon the defence forces were born, which have been guaranteeing the security, sovereignty, and freedom of Hungary for 162 years," said the minister.


Imre Szekeres spoke highly of the university as well. He said "Zrínyi Miklós University of National Defence is one of the most excellent universities. Therefore it is not a coincidence that Zrínyi is also recognised for research, besides being an important institution in Hungarian higher education and for the Hungarian Defence Forces. The university can be proud of its achievements, and the professors and students can also be proud of their university," said Imre Szekeres, who also spoke about the events taking place in recent weeks, saying that Zrínyi continues its work at the same high level, in an orderly manner, and with a desire to act. The minister said that instead of Rector János Szabó, currently it is Chancellor Kálmán Nagy who has taken over the duties that fell within the competence of the rector, and also mentioned that applications have been invited for the position of the rector – but it is another issue that has nothing to do with the events, since the term of the new rector is due to begin in June. Finally the minister told the students the following: "Study diligently, earn the highest qualifications you can, travel abroad, gain experiences, so that you can benefit from all these in the Hungarian Defence Forces."

Following that, the letter of the minister and the chief of defence staff was read out, in which they pointed out, in addition to praising the revolution, that despite the impact of the global economic crisis, military organizations are operating in compliance with the professional requirements. The minister and the chief of defence staff also mentioned in their letter that the Ministry of Defence and the Hungarian Defence Forces distance themselves from the events that happened a few weeks ago, which have caused moral and economic damage. "We cannot let certain people jeopardise the good reputation of soldiers," they wrote.

The event continued with the presentation of recognitions, defence minister Imre Szekeres presented titles of merit for good work and good school achievements to the students.