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Medal Parade in Cyprus

Szöveg: 1LT Dr. László Jakab |  2013. február 26. 9:02

In early February, the Hungarian peacekeepers serving on the island also participated in an UNFICYP medal parade, which was held at the one-time international airport located inside the buffer zone in Nicosia. The former airport currently houses a UN helicopter unit stationed at the UNFICYP Headquarters, and the troops of the ten member countries of the mission paraded inside its hangar.


Of the Central European troops serving in the subunit of Sector 4, twenty-four Hungarian
soldiers received medals, which shows that they have served at least three months as
peacekeepers in Cyprus.

Also present at the event were the ambassadors accredited to Cyprus of the countries
that participate in the peacekeeping activities. Honoring the traditions, the soldiers of the
Hungarian platoon marched in to the sound of the Rákóczi-march. The formation was led
by SFC Tamás Janecz, and then Maj. Roland Sinkai took point of the platoon. After the
presentation of the medals, the parade finished with a ceremonial march and a gala dinner.


Photos by the author