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Military Books at the Book Festival

Szöveg: Vivien Takács |  2014. május 3. 6:38

The Zrínyi Publishing House also participated in the 21st International Book Festival – Budapest, which took place between April 24–27 in Millenáris Park.


At the festival, many interested visitors came to the stand of Zrínyi Publishing House

The Budapest International Book Festival is a recognized event in international book industry. By tradition, it hosts the most famous writers and poets from all over the world. At this year’s book festival, nearly 100 renowned authors from 25 countries as well as 400 writers, scientists and artists living in Hungary and outside its borders were waiting for the interested ones to meet them during the various cultural programs.

Visitors to Millenáris Park had opportunity to participate in dedications, literary evenings, recitals, meet the author events and countless other programs. This year’s guest of honor was Turkey.


Several potential best-sellers were on sale

On the ground floor of building “B", stand B45, at the stand of Zrínyi Publishing House – a publisher with a history of more than 60 years – several quality publications on military history, military technology and security policy were on sale, at 30-50 per cent discount.

“This year too, our books are very much in demand. I would say we have here some potential best-sellers like the books “A magyar tüzérség 100 éve" (“100 years of Hungarian Artillery") and “Kis magyar hadtörténet" (Illustrated Military History of Hungary"), Edina Győr, the sales manager of the publishing house told us. She added that many were looking for books on the First World War, due to the 100th anniversary.

The book festival was open on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.


The festival was open on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Photo: Tünde Rácz