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Minister Stresses Importance of Belonging Together

Szöveg: |  2011. március 27. 6:26

“Our fundamental law is the basis of law and order in Hungary, a contract between Hungarians of the past, present, and the future” − this was how Minister of Defence Dr. Csaba Hende began his speech in the debate of the National Constituent Assembly in Parliament building on March 23. Csaba Hende said our nation will exist as long as we know and feel that we belong together in terms of rights and obligations.

The Defence Minister emphasized that the Holy Crown of Hungary will be guarded
by Hungarian soldiers again from the day when the new constitution is adopted. In his
address he stressed that this year the government would also enact a law on protecting
the heroes’ graves, because “Commemorating heroes, finding their resting places and
maintaining them in proper condition is a priority, one of the key issues in the survival
of the nation. That is why the heroes’ merits are now included in the fundamental

The Minister pointed out that “…as regards its significance and volume, the
Volunteer Reserve System has been the largest military development project in
the history of national defence since 1990". He also stressed the importance of a
stipulation in the new constitution that the volunteer reserve must be maintained.
Before finishing his speech, Csaba Hende asked fellow MPs to endorse a responsibly
and carefully thought out and worded fundamental law.