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NATO Medal in Kabul

Szöveg: HDF KAIA FPC |  2013. március 4. 9:03

Hungarian soldiers have recently completed their tours of duty in Kabul. They have all received NATO medals in recognition of their service.


Altogether three Hungarian soldiers serving in individual positions completed their service in
Kabul at the end of February. SFC B. and SFC R. worked as nurses at the French-led ROLE-3
field hospital. They had good relations with the soldiers of the contingent and the local people
arriving for the surgery hours. Through their expertise, they made significant contributions to
the successful operation of the field hospital. Maj. V. worked at KAIA North, already for the
second time in Afghanistan. After taking his short paid leave between his two tours, he took
up his duties as a logistician in October 2012.

Col. Gyula Kovács, the commander of the Base Support Group presented the medals to
the soldiers and thanked them for their perseverance and conscientious work done by high
professional standards.