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NATO-Ukraine distinctive partnership under the emerging security challenges

Szöveg: / |  2014. április 20. 6:02

Air Marshal Sir Christopher Harper, Director General of NATO’s International Military Staff, delivered a keynote speech at the Ukrainian National Defence University in Kyiv, challenging to debate NATO, its future and its strong enduring relationship with Ukraine.
In the framework of the 14th NATO Defense College and NATO School Oberammergau “International Kyiv Week" (7-11 Apr. 2014), the Director General engaged in a lively debate with high ranking military officers and civilian personnel on NATO-Ukraine’s “long-standing friendship." During his speech, he praised Ukraine’s continued contribution to the NATO Response Force and NATO-led operations and missions in Afghanistan, Kosovo, the Mediterranean Sea and off the coasts of Somalia. “I’ve been an Officer in the Royal Air Force for 38 years. For 23 of those years, Ukraine has been a trusted and highly valued Partner of NATO – actually one of NATO’s longest standing partners."

Sir Chris also described NATO’s immediate and longer-term measures in order to strengthen Ukraine’s ability to provide for its own security responses to the current crisis, as agreed by NATO’s Foreign Ministers earlier this month. “NATO is looking to reinforce the NATO Liaison Office and the NATO Information and Documentation Centre in Kiev…. We are also accelerating our efforts on capability development and on sustainable capacity building within the Ukrainian defence system and armed forces. Ukraine’s long-term participation in the NATO Response Force and her increased participation in future NATO exercises is a key element of this process."

Whilst in Kyiv for the International Week, the Director General met with LT Gen Mikhail Kutsin, acting Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Mr. Leonid Polyakov, Deputy Minister of Defence, with whom he discussed the situation in the country and in the region. The Director General also discussed the ongoing cooperation between Ukraine and NATO, and perspectives for the near future. “We have been sharing a common process for transformation and I see that being deepened and enhanced," he emphasized.

Concerning the current crisis in Ukraine, Sir Chris stressed that NATO was monitoring the situation very closely. “We have watched Russia break international law, and trample over a number of previously agreed norms, and of course, that worries all of the NATO allies, so we’re watching that. We have watched with alarm and dismay what has happened in and around Ukraine, and we continue to watch the unwelcome troop build- up on your eastern border."

The International Military Staff is the executive body of the Military Committee, NATO’s senior military authority.