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”NCOs Take Care of Soldiers”

Szöveg: Gábor Kálmánfi |  2017. november 17. 9:00

General Curtis Scaparrotti, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) has in his study a copy of the Creed of the NCO Corps he received from US Army NCOs. He told us that he would place the NCO Creed he had received from Hungarian NCOs in Balatonakarattya right beside the other one. During his one-day visit to Hungary, the general gave a short interview to us.


What is your opinion about the role of the Hungarian military in NATO?

Hungary as a member of NATO plays an important role in the Alliance. For instance, I’d just highlight its contributions to Afghanistan, and its contributions in the Balkans, and other areas within Europe. Your country’s is not a large force, but it plays a large role in NATO that we appreciate.

What was the main reason for your visiting this course?

I accepted the Hungarian military’s invitation to take part in the international week of the Command Senior Enlisted Leaders’ Course. This is an exceptional course, which is very important not only to the Hungarian military forces but also to NATO.


Are the Hungarian Defence Forces on the right track in placing great emphasis on the training and education of NCOs?

One of the things that was focused upon here – a central issue in all armed forces – is the establishment of a very strong NCO Corps. It has been your Chief of Defence’s purpose to do that, and that’s probably one of the most important things you can do, because it touches every member of your force, and makes them ready and relevant for the environment that we’re in today.

Why do you think the everyday work of NCOs is so important?

They gave me a copy of the NCO Creed at the end of the event, and I really value that gift. This Creed is important because it highlights the essentials of being a good NCO, one your country needs. And it also serves them well because attention to that will transcend the changes in technology that are taking place, and focus on what doesn’t change, which is centered on the human dimension. And that’s what NCOs bring us: they take care of soldiers, and make sure they’re ready for what may come. And we rely on them every day.


Photo: László Tóth