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New Camp Commander Takes Over in Kosovo

Szöveg: Capt. Piroska Kozák |  2016. november 30. 9:00

The new commander of Camp Novo Selo, Kosovo took over his responsibilitites in November.


Posted from the HDF 64th Boconádi Szabó József Logistic Regiment, after his arrival Lt.-Col. Gyula Kovács took over the position of camp commander this May, which presented him with numerous challenges over the last six months. Still, he assessed as excellent the joint work that was carried out in the last few months in cooperation with the 14th and 15th rotations of the HDF KFOR Contingent and the other national contingents in the camp.

The incoming commander, Lt.-Col. Tibor Pálinkás serves as chief of staff of the HDF Ludovika Battalion in Budapest. In his new position as camp commander, he would like to carry on the work his predecessors were doing in the last few years, in excellent cooperation with the commander and personnel of the Hungarian contingent, the KFOR HQ and the other national contingents stationed in the camp.


Photos by the author